Domain Privacy

Our chosen Whois privacy service provider Withheld for Privacy, hides your contact details and replaces them with anonymized information. This means you’ll stay safe from unsolicited phone calls, junk mail, and identity theft.

Your privacy matters

When you register a domain, you must provide and maintain up-to-date contact information for the public Whois database. This is required by ICANN and helps to regulate domain registration and ownership.

Usually, this is accessible to anyone, including marketing firms, spammers, and online fraudsters, but we strongly believe in the right to privacy for every individual.

This is why we offer free lifetime domain privacy protection with every new registration and transfer.

Our domain privacy service provider does not require your personal information to work. Any details you share with Namecheap will remain with us. The service hides your contact details and replaces your real email address with a unique anonymous email address that can be rotated as often as you choose.

How does it work?

Our chosen Whois privacy service provider Withheld for Privacy, hides your contact details and replaces them with anonymized information. This means you’ll stay safe from unsolicited phone calls, junk mail, and identity theft. Importantly, your contact information is not required by our privacy service provider, keeping it safe and secure with us. If someone were to look up your domain name, they will see anonymous domain registration information just like in the example below.

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